To Know


It has begun!

(Okay, I'm a crappy flyer but trying my best! Going to update progress pictures in future to hopefully see some difference - A long way to go but it's going to be a nice trip )

So the ultimate challenge to be a top flyer in the best team of times! >:B
..Lately I have been sweating with Kinect Dance Central which is actually a surprisingly good game! - after gaming done some stretching!
Cause I'm so impatient I want fast results:
I have tried to pick up any advices from stretching for street dancing, ballet and of course cheerleading.
As I'm not flexible naturally this is one of the not-so-comfy but fastly rewarding challenges! :)


Winter diamandis

I switched my work, nationals are coming, like every winter I'm lost

So because there wasn't really shifts to be done or no one leaving one of the most awesome store in Helsinki, Cybershop - As I couldn't afford waiting I searched for more.
I started this week at Gamestop, there's cool people both sides of the counter. Only thing where i seem to suck is when it comes to technology and to the functions of the computer :D

After 2 weeks I'll start in Blippo, a store focused on japanese pop-culture and fashion. Can't wait <3

This winter I feel lost again. I have the most perfect bf ever, but then it makes really look forward to Cybershops's xmas party, or call me friends for bubblebobble when I see that my bf is nicknamed dracula..... and poker.
Like I have anything to say as i'm full of dorky things.
I miss a person with whom i thought i didnt really have anything. Someone standing over me, dominate my being. Saves me.

This news: Christopher Nolan + Inception + game = gameorgasm?