So I'm attengin Assembly 2011 which has a cosplay competition organized by Batmud.
First, I've never done any cosplay competition, I like doing costumes and been in one show - so I dont really know what is in front of me next week.
This will be surely the most nasty costume I will ever do. But it looked fun, me and with fair amount of challenges and details.
I have been working on it everyday since last week and so has Ri, being busy doing my weapon.
I'll probably be so busy until the event that Ill let the character be a mystery until TEH day.
Until that my life is ... only about this costume.
I tried shopping btw. This days fashion is lame as a dressmaker I dont think I should spend over 30 euros to piece of fabric that has a hole for my head and call it a shirt - like wtf maybe finnish people have gotten so fat but still, how can it be stylish to use anything so loose and without any shape...
Some Madcraft and alcohol on Saturday.
Tryouts on Sunday.
Assembly <3 Riiiiii... Which means Jari, but because of my yesterdays blackout, I find it suitable to start calling him Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-tan kapiiiitaaan.
~ oh god hyper