Yesterday, me and my mom packed my stuff ( a hell-alot of ) and Jari drove them away :)
It felt good and free - to sit in the middle, between Jari ( who still has the most handsome side features) and my mom who was holding my flower I named Simo-Aurora.
After all the moving we went to Cantina West eat a huuuuuuge amount of foood.
.... as a side notice, nice that most restaurants seem to start serve ginger ale !!
We walked around Helsinki Central and ended up to have ice creams at Fazer. I took the "120 kiekausta" which seems to be a celebration portion of Fazer's 120 years. And Jari took something with liquorice and turkish peppers..... :D
I came home and tiiiiireeeed... And today I'm getting a new phone.. or tommorrow.
To Know
Didi 1.4.2003 - 21.8.2011
Didi, our beloved ferret was put to sleep last Sunday.
She had an extended life for a ferret with 8 years, though she was very sick for the last couple of years time to time she seemed to be like a ferret baby!
It's told that when someone dies he sees his life going like fast replay - I felt like seeing Didi's whole life in our family this past 8 years:
The time when we got her as a pup, nearly as a size of a human hand palm.
First visit to the vet deep in Espoo, first surgery, first mass meeting of ferrets, first baths, pink towels, her cage. How she bit every one and every where.
My mom used to wear rubber boots indoors case Didi liked to bite her ankles.
When nutriplus ( a vitamin gel for pets) was discovered, she was always begging for it from who ever was in the kitchen.
Her face when our neighbor found her after she was missing for a whole weekend, a could dark November morning - I remember crying and giving her water, being late for school.
I remember laughing when she was found from our other neighbor's kitchen - and the dog was shaking from horror.
The summer when my dad tried to hunt the vole in our yard with Didi's help.
And when she was younger she tend to collect random stuff for example under my cabinet - socks, erasers ( even from the table while I was drawing :DD)
When we went to the Philippines she was left to family with a ferret senior Riisi and a gigantic boy pup Rambo - first time I saw her getting along with other ferrets.
If it was super ht I made her a swimming pool, and she had an opportunity to swim but she preferred diving, which reminded me from my other favorite animals - otters.
She liked balls with noise. She didn't like her nails clipped. But she loved when we helped her to dry after a bath.
The noise Didi made when she totally enjoyed life, giggling
This was just a tiny part of what I remembered when she was falling asleep.
She suffered of insulinoma, which is common among ferrets - she was treated and had medication, but last Sunday the vet told that better let her run in the clouds.
The tumor that affected her walking and moving was the only soft part in her whole body.
Animals don't think that 'tomorrow is a better day'
Usually I'm sure what ever I decide but this time I was kind of a ....difficult customer - the doctors had to bend me. They looked at Jari, kind of wishing that he will push me to decide.
I was used to it that doctors made always something to put some more energy to her.
It was like slo-mo when I picked her up to my arms so she can sleep, it wasn't an option to leave her there, I wanted to be there for her. Trying to smile for her.
It was probably the most heaviest and at the same time the most empty feeling to drive form the hospital with a cage no one inside, no one sleeping under the blankets. Going home to my little sister without Didi.
It was really the best for her, now she is free of pain. Now she can giggle again.
She looked so small when the vet took her away. Like the first time she was introduced to us, when she was a baby.
Your family will forever miss you, Didi.
Be sure you have a mega party where ever you are now! You greedy little furry thief made of LOVE
Because animals show us how awesome life is
Run over
Now if never I know being in a .. dead-end.
When I'm not at home with my room-mate I feel myself energetic and powerful!
This last days I've been holding my tummy just cause I can't stop laughing n top of the fact it hurst my abs cause I worked them so hard.
whine / XX Then I come home, it's located in a fine area, it's 10 minutes walking distance from the gym and wrk - but still I don't feel myself ...home.I thin my room mate kind of turns me down, barely gives me any privacy ( he touches my phone) and really have now peace even when asked.... and somehow vegetarian sushi is meant to fix all of this (。┰ ω ┰ 。) ARGH XX /whine off
When I'm not at home with my room-mate I feel myself energetic and powerful!
This last days I've been holding my tummy just cause I can't stop laughing n top of the fact it hurst my abs cause I worked them so hard.
whine / XX Then I come home, it's located in a fine area, it's 10 minutes walking distance from the gym and wrk - but still I don't feel myself ...home.I thin my room mate kind of turns me down, barely gives me any privacy ( he touches my phone) and really have now peace even when asked.... and somehow vegetarian sushi is meant to fix all of this (。┰ ω ┰ 。) ARGH XX /whine off
CyberShop shoot by Nelly Tatti
~ ☆ ~ All the photos in this post are (c) Nelly Tatti for !! ~ ☆ ~
So last week I was in a photoshooting for some new stuff arrived to Cyber Shop - they so picked the wrong person!! I kept screaming like and squeeky toy between every cloth I was wearing. LOVING them!!
This lovely detailed cupcake jacket is by Celebrity Babe ♡
Ahihihi ~ ~ I'm in love with backpacks so how about with speakers ! An other one as a handbag size!
Tiny shoooorts !!
Also I'm so going to get this baseball jackeeet!! It's so cute!!
Haha, this was the best hoodie ever seen!! SO LOUD!! I wonder does it glow in UV-light, perfect party gear !!
The hat+scarf+mittens set was adorable!!
... (very next day I bought the pink one♡ )
Oh this work is just perfect but as I get paid .. I also spend it to the same place where it's from :3 Cyber family ♡
So here's everything I'm going to buy this winter tadaaah!
Cheerfears defeated
I even brought my camera last night to film people tumbling or our stunts.... Of course, there was no time to dig it from my bag.
We are supposed to keep a diary about our practice, and I'm going to share some of my thoughts here too:
+ Our team's new members are awesome, they have advanced tumbling skills, they are powerful and most of all : Mind blowing tight, high JUMPS!! <3
Yesterday we did jumps, the new dance ( which I even practiced this morning) basket tosses and great A pyramids.
I love the feeling where I can feel all others dancing with me the same choreography :3
Then came the tosses, I have categorized myself as a BAD toss flyer - slow and baggy ...
So as, I felt my coaches being frustrated be not getting a hang of even a straight toss after a year being in this team they gave me a permission to try a back round-off in the air. Last time I did it, I felt like I tried to kill all my bases and to of that I looked like a frog. My bases were awesome and the toss went high - SO I GAVE IT A TRY!
I wasn't scared but wasn't self-confident either..
I went over and it felt .... right, landed to a normal catch (... forgetting some few blunders) but the problem is that I'm not getting myself into a tiny bun - flying either straight or bended.
Whaaah ~ how to fix anything you cant even feel you are doing (;≧ 皿 ≦)
Hope next time I'm able to post some videos !! Below the card I made for Nella ー(> ω <*)ノノ ~ ♥
And some cheerinspiration!! When tired, or aten to much, scared, these kind of videos get me motivated!
Awesome things I see others doing make me think and breath only cheerleading ( shared with Cospaly and Jari and and) - Makes me work harder to be more flexible and achieving something which my team really needs.
We are supposed to keep a diary about our practice, and I'm going to share some of my thoughts here too:
+ Our team's new members are awesome, they have advanced tumbling skills, they are powerful and most of all : Mind blowing tight, high JUMPS!! <3
Yesterday we did jumps, the new dance ( which I even practiced this morning) basket tosses and great A pyramids.
I love the feeling where I can feel all others dancing with me the same choreography :3
Then came the tosses, I have categorized myself as a BAD toss flyer - slow and baggy ...
So as, I felt my coaches being frustrated be not getting a hang of even a straight toss after a year being in this team they gave me a permission to try a back round-off in the air. Last time I did it, I felt like I tried to kill all my bases and to of that I looked like a frog. My bases were awesome and the toss went high - SO I GAVE IT A TRY!
I wasn't scared but wasn't self-confident either..
I went over and it felt .... right, landed to a normal catch (... forgetting some few blunders) but the problem is that I'm not getting myself into a tiny bun - flying either straight or bended.
Whaaah ~ how to fix anything you cant even feel you are doing (;≧ 皿 ≦)
Hope next time I'm able to post some videos !! Below the card I made for Nella ー(> ω <*)ノノ ~ ♥
And some cheerinspiration!! When tired, or aten to much, scared, these kind of videos get me motivated!
Awesome things I see others doing make me think and breath only cheerleading ( shared with Cospaly and Jari and and) - Makes me work harder to be more flexible and achieving something which my team really needs.
Couple a days ago
It's raining like in asia in July here in Helsinki - and my practice starts just in 50 minutes ... (-ε-。)
So there's a new monster in our livingroom.. literally a table pc... mainly put together to play SC2 w/ powerfull graphics "Looky looky all the shaky grass and smudgy flowers....whee~ ~" ... Or just to watch anime.
After finnishing Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii wake ga nai I have started watching K-ON
We went with Jari to the movies to watch The Hangover part 2 - It was awesome!!! Ate ice cream from Ben and Jerry's and walked in the streets of Central Helsinki for the rest of the night :3
Someone had pour some soupy thingie to the fountain so it looked like snow ^________^
On our Sunday cheer practice went to the hoods of Circus Helsinki which were located in the old train buildings! It was such inspiring place!!
I just dropped my jaw and kind of went inside my invisible pullover when I realized that every ones tumbling skills have improved except mine.. But still I shared the joy with others.
We made some basket tosses!! I was first like " Hah, surely my coaches aren't going to let me do that" ( as anything where I go over my head - just fails) and when it suddenly was my turn I wasnt sure should I joy or cry. I ENJOYED IT ALOT!! As usually it's a trial and error - this man from the circus really was able to concentrate on very tiny details in my movement - AMAZING!!
Today I promise to get over that Nella isn't around anymore and find my selfish motivations agaaain!
I really loved it and looking forward to the next time!! +(´・∀・)ノ゚゙ー☆
So there's a new monster in our livingroom.. literally a table pc... mainly put together to play SC2 w/ powerfull graphics "Looky looky all the shaky grass and smudgy flowers....whee~ ~" ... Or just to watch anime.
After finnishing Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii wake ga nai I have started watching K-ON
We went with Jari to the movies to watch The Hangover part 2 - It was awesome!!! Ate ice cream from Ben and Jerry's and walked in the streets of Central Helsinki for the rest of the night :3
Someone had pour some soupy thingie to the fountain so it looked like snow ^________^
On our Sunday cheer practice went to the hoods of Circus Helsinki which were located in the old train buildings! It was such inspiring place!!
I just dropped my jaw and kind of went inside my invisible pullover when I realized that every ones tumbling skills have improved except mine.. But still I shared the joy with others.
We made some basket tosses!! I was first like " Hah, surely my coaches aren't going to let me do that" ( as anything where I go over my head - just fails) and when it suddenly was my turn I wasnt sure should I joy or cry. I ENJOYED IT ALOT!! As usually it's a trial and error - this man from the circus really was able to concentrate on very tiny details in my movement - AMAZING!!
Today I promise to get over that Nella isn't around anymore and find my selfish motivations agaaain!
I really loved it and looking forward to the next time!! +(´・∀・)ノ゚゙ー☆
Miten voi tuntea ihastumisen tunteita henkilöön jota ei ole koskaan nähnyt.
Se on nähny mut ja ruvennut kirjoittamaan mulle.
Tai ehkä se on sitä että mä tiiän miltä siitä tuntuu ja se sanoo samaa musta.
Tiiän miks peilaan ihmisiä, se tuntuu niistä hyvältä.
Tyttö sinä olet ihana ja sinulla on kiva avatar, profiilisi kuva.
Tää on kivaa.
Wow iiiimou (o´Д`)
YAY, I got remembered by our store manager that I have 5 weeks of VACATION to be spent until March.
☆☆☆Lucky me☆☆☆ Feels like millions worth of money in my hand, all my sadness, depressed-like feelings, tiredness we away cause now I know .... me resting for 2 straight days is allowed
Travelling is possible and okay whaaaa ~ ☆
Se on nähny mut ja ruvennut kirjoittamaan mulle.
Tai ehkä se on sitä että mä tiiän miltä siitä tuntuu ja se sanoo samaa musta.
Tiiän miks peilaan ihmisiä, se tuntuu niistä hyvältä.
Tyttö sinä olet ihana ja sinulla on kiva avatar, profiilisi kuva.
Tää on kivaa.
Wow iiiimou (o´Д`)
YAY, I got remembered by our store manager that I have 5 weeks of VACATION to be spent until March.
☆☆☆Lucky me☆☆☆ Feels like millions worth of money in my hand, all my sadness, depressed-like feelings, tiredness we away cause now I know .... me resting for 2 straight days is allowed
Travelling is possible and okay whaaaa ~ ☆
Day off !
++ I suck in LoL (´⌒`。) thought no one can really do as bad as I did!!! trololol my debut game and I suuuuuuucked ++
Today was my DAY OFF for a loong time !! ( Assembly days weren't day-offs it was ... heavy..)
Woke up "late" - 8am - and spent the whole morning with Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai ( trans. My little sister can't be this cute)
I'm not a huge fun of rpg's - rpg is how I picture eroge's... with all those flags and choices.... HOW BOORING...... Oh but how I got now suddenly interested :P So if you have your favorite feel free to recommend them!
(´・∀・)ノ゚ babyneko @ IRCnet ♡
Showered, put some makeup made an tiny effort to my hair while wathing the series.....
FOR the photoshoot.. for Cyber Shop :3
Nelly Tatti is a fun photographer and all the stuff she shoot on me - I LOVE!! She's like "Oh it's pink and so slimycute...... I need to call Nikkiiiii"
For example this cupcake hoodie/jacket is unbelievably adorable! It has cupcakes and... Pink+black! Just wait and stalk them to be @ - They are already in stores and I'll get my own tomorrow! >:B
After the shoot I went to work to help out for 2 hours after that to cheerleading! ... This is what I wear at home... customized Supercell shirt and no pants. And that's my practice-hair-do.
X Now I have to remember writing BatMUD and greet one special girl ♡ with a card who ...leveled-up in our cheer team
X prepare the new layout
Today was my DAY OFF for a loong time !! ( Assembly days weren't day-offs it was ... heavy..)
Woke up "late" - 8am - and spent the whole morning with Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai ( trans. My little sister can't be this cute)
I'm not a huge fun of rpg's - rpg is how I picture eroge's... with all those flags and choices.... HOW BOORING...... Oh but how I got now suddenly interested :P So if you have your favorite feel free to recommend them!
(´・∀・)ノ゚ babyneko @ IRCnet ♡
Showered, put some makeup made an tiny effort to my hair while wathing the series.....
FOR the photoshoot.. for Cyber Shop :3
Nelly Tatti is a fun photographer and all the stuff she shoot on me - I LOVE!! She's like "Oh it's pink and so slimycute...... I need to call Nikkiiiii"
For example this cupcake hoodie/jacket is unbelievably adorable! It has cupcakes and... Pink+black! Just wait and stalk them to be @ - They are already in stores and I'll get my own tomorrow! >:B
After the shoot I went to work to help out for 2 hours after that to cheerleading! ... This is what I wear at home... customized Supercell shirt and no pants. And that's my practice-hair-do.
After training more Kirino adventures and LoL. I was so happy the other guys were so forgivable ... at least learned my lesson, how cruel and surprising games might be!! :P
X Now I have to remember writing BatMUD and greet one special girl ♡ with a card who ...leveled-up in our cheer team
X prepare the new layout
CO&LU package and FOOD
Coco Lulu,
Fruit Ninja,
Lately I've been mega exhausted..
Today, like always I was working. Though I really want to go and travel immediately there's recently
+ I probably found the most perfect glasses for me ( after wearing 10 years of the same square styled glasses pink would be nice) but still hesitating as glasses are a huge investment. In the picture the frames cost 1 euro but the lenses are starting from 199€ ...
+ The told me from the main stock that I can get a head for my cosplay wigs for free!
+ I like to wear blush, you know makeup!
+ One girl has been making my days by writing to me via facebook. This world need more kick ass girls!! I'll post separately about my thought of these letters later <3∩( ・ω・)∩
+ Jari took me to Vapiano !! Last time I was in the same place there was a sushi robot, now there's an Italian order-get restaurant! New and tasty! They had even ginger ale! Finnish one!! Ordered a verdure pizza it was yummyyyyh!!
Last night I got obsessed with this... Dr. Oetker Polypop in raspberry flavor! I doubt it being vegan... but it's super good! It remembers me of the Moomin episodes where Moominmamma makes jelly <3
Tonight I have been also playing Fruit Ninja! (ฺ^ 3 ^ฺ) It's my top favorite games for iPhone and now I got it for Kinect, being honest lol it makes me sweat!!
and here comes my ♡o。. Coco & Lulu jeans and belt .。o ♡
I rarely love anything because just of the brand but Coco & Lulu is an exception! I LOVE EM!! The brand is colourful, playful and LOUD!!!
These up coming days...
X I'll plan my future cosplay outfits, probably something with my favorite VanillaWare games ♡゚・
X Finish, my print I designed for my team - let's see what they think about it :3
X Keep missing on U.S - and wishing to go there. But let's see where I'll end up this winter!!! (≧3≦)
Today, like always I was working. Though I really want to go and travel immediately there's recently
☆☆☆ tons of nice things happening!☆☆☆
+ I probably found the most perfect glasses for me ( after wearing 10 years of the same square styled glasses pink would be nice) but still hesitating as glasses are a huge investment. In the picture the frames cost 1 euro but the lenses are starting from 199€ ...
+ The told me from the main stock that I can get a head for my cosplay wigs for free!
+ I like to wear blush, you know makeup!
+ One girl has been making my days by writing to me via facebook. This world need more kick ass girls!! I'll post separately about my thought of these letters later <3∩( ・ω・)∩
+ Jari took me to Vapiano !! Last time I was in the same place there was a sushi robot, now there's an Italian order-get restaurant! New and tasty! They had even ginger ale! Finnish one!! Ordered a verdure pizza it was yummyyyyh!!
Last night I got obsessed with this... Dr. Oetker Polypop in raspberry flavor! I doubt it being vegan... but it's super good! It remembers me of the Moomin episodes where Moominmamma makes jelly <3
Tonight I have been also playing Fruit Ninja! (ฺ^ 3 ^ฺ) It's my top favorite games for iPhone and now I got it for Kinect, being honest lol it makes me sweat!!
and here comes my ♡o。. Coco & Lulu jeans and belt .。o ♡
I rarely love anything because just of the brand but Coco & Lulu is an exception! I LOVE EM!! The brand is colourful, playful and LOUD!!!
The jeans are just awesome, I'm so into baggy pants!! From the waist they are a little bit too big ( guess my size would be a 24 not 26...) BUT that why I also had an AWESOME BELT!!! CAN HAS AMEEEERICA
These up coming days...
X I'll plan my future cosplay outfits, probably something with my favorite VanillaWare games ♡゚・
X Finish, my print I designed for my team - let's see what they think about it :3
X Keep missing on U.S - and wishing to go there. But let's see where I'll end up this winter!!! (≧3≦)
Tira - Soul Calibur 4 Cosplay
On 28th of July it was published that the Assembly will have a cosplay competition by BatMUD.
I went for it, never done cosplay and didn't even know what the word "skit" meant ...
After a while of thinking, something close my own personality would be a nice character, so I chose Tira.
Also fighting games like Soul Calibur IV are only games I really honestly CAN say I'm good at ^ 3 ^
The work progress was intense and I did it all my free time which was left from my 6-day work weeks. Thank you, Jari for making the Eiserne Drossel and Jouni for mixing my music, without them this wouldn't been possible.
Everything in the outfit is self-made. Boots, belt and fingerless gloves were customized.
The jumpsuit part was very interesting to do, first it seemed to be impossible - like most of fictional costumes.
Many times I forgot what was practical, or taught in school and forced the way it looked like, and it came out just perfect!!
I know it's lacking the stripes and the embroidery from the sleeves - but they were left out cause of the time pressure. All the feathers in the costume are separately sewed and secured with glue-textile.

This is the hear which belongs to the belt in painting progress.
This is the backpiece which I was stressing how it will stay and how it will be done - but it ended up to be the most easy part in the whole costume :) I'm very pleased to it how it came out detailed and dramatic!
Below some pictures from the stage show which was on the main stage and from the prize ceremony.
I could almost heard my heart beating before I walked up to the stage!
Same thing was on the prelims !! - As I didn't know anything what was waiting for me nor how should i act in any moment.
The Tira cosplay which came 2nd at Assembly 2011
For the whole year I've been crying that I'm not doing anything with my degree of dress making nor did I know myself anymore cause of the lack of creative activity.
Cosplay is the answer.
Also it was wonderful to meet people like the Han Yuri cosplayer, Milla, she is lovely and inspiring!
BatMUD thank you for lighting my fire!
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