@CyberShop we had:
Nelly Tatti!! ( picture taken by Leena Ruusu, I so love her name!!) She is Cyber Shop's official photographer and now we have her working in our stores!!! I love her cause she's so jolly and we share a common music taste ♪゜(´∀`)ノノ♬♪
. . . Mad Craft playin LIVE
I think we should have more this kind of happenings at work!! I was on FIRE and enjoyed every minute of it!!! (Though I spent middle of my shift 2 hours at cheer practice )
With us partying was also our cheer teams non-official mascot: ESSI- SHARK!!! Who has the most awesome diamond braises ever seen on a shark!! (☼Д☼) ... and a cheer bow!
And as a bloody cherry on top Mechanical demon and his infernal nurse + Jesse!!
They did some awesome sideshow/freakshow performance just there, middle of the store - woah it was amazing!!
My weekend was mostly free, waking up to watch anime and Saturday we had a show case by Golden Spirit ( our cheer squad) - ate alot of goodies.
On Saturday after the show we met a couple of friends of his who were walking the most cutest dogs I've seen for a while!!! Of course it was the time my phone was breathing it's last ones and my camera bat was dead.......
His friends seemed to be super nice and we stayed up with them until the morning light - and I found myself cold next morning - though I'm still not sure if this is allergies or cold, anyway it makes me feel like processing with 40%.
On Sunday I spent again at practice and then we went jogging with Nebs to Kumpula - I wish to live there, houses there are cute like straight from cartoons. - I'm telling you this actually cause I've disliked running outside as long as I remember but this time it was fun as Nebs is athletic and nice to have aside.
( yeah, it was in my backpocket and before I even sat down 'plump' and there it was giving some bubbles in the water, before that there was a episode where dunno why but it was lying in the shower floor getting soaked wet but continued working. Also one time it was in my rubber raincoat, in a pocket, of course it was raining to the pocket, but it still kept working )
I haven't given up with hope that it will still work some day but got a new iPhone4 today.
We spent with Onii again some time @Kippo - started concidering giving my diet more attention by making it more vegan than before, Kippo offers a lot of non-dairy and animal free toppings to go with different flavored soy yoghurt! + it is organic!
There is 3 days until our BIG DAY and there is 5 days until my BIG DREAM COMING TRUE
I have spent most of the day doing our cheer bows for the competition - though sometimes our coach give us the feeling we haven't made any satisfying routine -I can feel it coming!!
We had a WAR THEME at practice and it was kind of .... dark, arkward but ENPOWERING at the same time!!
Did a Call of Duty cheer bow and tried to find anything proper to wear as a costume but realized that I cant workout in combat boots and in a guard knit cap :----DDDD
I love being exhausted, working out until my hands shake, doing things again again until I feel wanting to collapse, getting better on every breath or even feel my mouth so dry and empty cause of excitement and having powers up constantly!!! - And still laugh with others and loving what we do together!!!

Lately only thing that hasn't worked on our team is facial expressions - so weird as it sounds, cheerleaders must show the power thru their faces and triple over do it!! :DDD
So one of out team mates created this picture above ^. It really made me cry and laugh at the same time !!!
Next some posts about the Juliet cosplay ;D