To Know


Why I dont have time

 Started a new deco-den project lately and bought a sootball from Totoro to be  cellphone plushie :3

Relax,calm and silence = boooooooring (but I would use a vacation, which I'm having in a week)
I have exactly 3 types of days
7.00 AM Try to wake-up
7.30 AM Out of bed -> Shower and all the girly crap
8.20 AM Walk to work
8.40AM-4PM Work ( a 30min luch break at some point)
4PM Study (Japanese language, drawing)
7PM-10PM CHEER PRACTICE ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
1030PM-1AM internetzzzzzzzz, compuuuuterrrrr, media, drawing, diy
0130AM zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Day WITHOUT cheer practice - sucks
9AM waiky waiky
10AM-1130AM Gym
12/3PM work until 9PM
9PM- 1AM internetzzzzzzzz, compuuuuterrrrr, media, drawing, diy
0130 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Day WITHOUT WORK & PRACTICE ( rare and suck the most)
I don't know when I wake up
Usually this day is Sunday but I usually have practice on Sunday......
I demand to have a food-orgy-brunch
Shopping, more shopping
To enjoy some sport I want to play kinect or push someone like Onii with me to make a sweat by jobbing or something.
I dont like these days, they are useless and make me feel I dont have a point, direction or didnt get anything done .___.

No sure if I already posted this, but this is my Michigan t-shirt gym/practice set! \;D/    
......and as my team's first aid bag came to its' end I bought as a captain a new one and customized it :3

 I have been treated by Santa and Myself with some nice art books with have been very inspiring these couple past days !  The art of Nasty - literally naughty movie posters. Awful Resilient - Art by Alex Pardee - a photobook filled by his works.

 My awnser/solution "Getting a life" is to "Play and watch more"  -probably these boxes will help me with that one :3

This week - I'll book a new tattoo time \:D/ and.... mmh wait for next week when I have an appointment with a hair dresser!  

PS: I have been hating my face and my body -lately, so dramaaaatic I can't help it.

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