To Know


EGL is making a come back to my heart!

 Last Sunday there was a japanese traveling show shooting at our store :3 Not allowed to tell you much before the episode is aired but these pictures are related! ;D + I love the combination of yellow and violet!!!

I wore my Buffalo 1310-2s  at the shooting :) I wish there would be more occasions let them shine and have the attention they deserve >:B 

 Today was literally pretty white outside - a view from the window ......... yeah, makes anyone speechless

 mhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... favorite bunnnnn it has cranberries mmhhhhhhhhhhh

 Last Sunday I was again at fat camp which actually felt quite easy this time. Afterwards I stayed to do some stunting with some girls from Sparks. Pictures below are the part of just goofing around <3 There's so many sooooo powerful bases that couldn't even imagine why they aren't in our team yet. The one girls even told she REAAAAALLLLY wants to be part of the Genies - wow cool <3 I think, this will be my every Sunday night - looking like this and laughing myself until I choke :P

 There's some free time a past days, and I think a computer is like a mirror of your house. Like a bag reflects to its' owner... so hmm..

Päivä 05: kuva jostain mihin olet riippuvainen
Day 05 : Picture of something you're addicted to

Päivä 06: kuva joka inspiroi sinua
 Day 06 : Picture that inspires you

Päivä 07: kuva minne haluaisit mennä
Day 07: Picture of a place you want to go 

Today we were with mommy and Onii enjoying some stand up comedy by MICHAEL WINSLOW ( The sound man from the Police academy!! ). 
  First we ate with my mom at F8, had cookies and warm drinks at Robert's and then we headed to Gloria to see Winslow's show. 
  I've never been into a standup show, so I was a bit nervous ... for like is there some kind of an etiquette :DD We sat pretty near at the stage on the balcony. 
  I was also kind of not so waiting for much as I'm hard to make laugh......
BUT even the warmer was goood, luckyly I was sitting on a divan like couch I was able to fall lying and laughing!!! 
  When Michael came, there was non stop laughing, it hurt my faaace!! Flight and virator noises, toilet humor, Hendrix, Led Zeppelin and even star wars was part of his show!!! 
  Some how I think he even read my mind! He hates the song in Kill bill by the 5678's called Wohoo. He even sang BArbie girl for a second. 
  Even best part was that he pointed me as child - "God, we a have a child here!" and he started to do different Pokemon noises, taking pokemons in a ball, playing rocket team :DDDDD
 I dont have tears for this year anymore they I'm soo..... huh... wish to someday see his show again!!

 Thank you Michael, Onii and MOMMYYYYY
Here's a trailer kind of:  

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kewl pika-pika