To Know



Didi 1.4.2003 - 21.8.2011
Didi, our beloved ferret was put to sleep last Sunday. 
She had an extended life for a ferret with 8 years, though she was very sick for the last couple of years time to time she seemed to be like a ferret baby! 

It's told that when someone dies he sees his life going like fast replay - I felt like seeing Didi's whole life in our family this past 8 years:
The time when we got her as a pup, nearly as a size of a human hand palm.
 First visit to the vet deep in Espoo, first surgery, first mass meeting of ferrets, first baths, pink towels, her cage. How she bit every one and every where. 
My mom used to wear rubber boots indoors case Didi liked to bite her ankles. 
When nutriplus ( a vitamin gel for pets) was discovered, she was always begging for it from who ever was in the kitchen.
Her face when our neighbor found her after she was missing for a whole weekend, a could dark November morning - I remember crying and giving her water, being late for school.
I remember laughing when she was found from our other neighbor's kitchen - and the dog was shaking from horror.
The summer when my dad tried to hunt the vole in our yard with Didi's help. 
And when she was younger she tend to collect random stuff for example under my cabinet - socks, erasers ( even from the table while I was drawing :DD)
When we went to the Philippines she was left to family with a ferret senior Riisi and a gigantic boy pup Rambo - first time I saw her getting along with other ferrets.
If it was super ht I made her a swimming pool, and she had an opportunity to swim but she preferred diving, which reminded me from my other favorite animals - otters.
She liked balls with noise. She didn't like her nails clipped. But she loved when we helped her to dry after a bath.

The noise Didi made when she totally enjoyed life, giggling

This was just a tiny part of what I remembered when she was falling asleep.

She suffered of insulinoma, which is common among ferrets - she was treated and had medication, but last Sunday the vet told that better let her run in the clouds. 
The tumor that affected her walking and moving was the only soft part in her whole body.
Animals don't think that 'tomorrow is a better day' 
Usually I'm sure what ever I decide but this time I was kind of a ....difficult customer - the doctors had to bend me. They looked at Jari, kind of wishing that he will push me to decide. 
I was used to it that doctors made always something to put some more energy to her.
It was like slo-mo when I picked  her up to my arms so she can sleep, it wasn't an option to leave her there, I wanted to be there for her. Trying to smile for her.

It was probably the most heaviest and at the same time the most empty feeling to drive form the hospital with a cage no one inside, no one sleeping under the blankets. Going home to my little sister without Didi.

It was really the best for her, now she is free of pain. Now she can giggle again.

She looked so small when the vet took her away. Like the first time she was introduced to us, when she was a baby.

Your family will forever miss you, Didi.
Be sure you have a mega party where ever you are now! You greedy little furry thief made of LOVE

Because animals show us how awesome life is

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kewl pika-pika