To Know


So...... ISTP!

 Päivä 04: kuva jostain mitä olet menettänyt
Day 04 : Picture of something you've lost
A picture from 8th grade, friendship of that time and the grip to really be what you like to be.

Today I tried to make curls to my hair but less than a day at work they turned into waves slowly... Tomorrow there's a japanese traveling guide for TV coming to shoot some material at our shop, so I need to fix something cool to wear >:B

My iPhone have last longer than any phone in the past. I always wear them silicone shells, which deco :P Here's the newest one in progress you can almost spot the 'Cheer' in somewhere in the middle \:D/ 

This day was spent at work, eating at Denni's, searching for a camera bag and then just being at home and getting my nails done :P Also we had bunch of fun with Keirsey's temperament sorter :D ( I call it FUN, OKAY !? I don't take them too seriously but I do believe that they are somehow in right direction ) One test described me as ISTP 
"Crafters are fearless in their play, exposing themselves to danger again and again, even despite frequent injury. Of all the types, Crafters are most likely to be risk takers, pitting themselves, or their technique, against chance or odds."

"Crafters are hard to get to know.  Perhaps this is because they tend to communicate through action, and show little interest in developing language skills. Their lack of expressiveness can isolate them at school and on the job, and even though they hang around with their own kind in play, they let their actions speak for them"

  "Crafters can be wonderfully generous and loyal to their friends, teammates, and sidekicks, often giving up their evenings or weekends to help with building. On the other hand, they can be fiercely insubordinate More than anything, Crafters want to be free to do their own thing, and they are proud of their ability to do it with an artist's skill."

  Roger that, BPD affirmative, fire in the whole check check " I hate you, don’t leave me!"

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kewl pika-pika